Wednesday 9 April 2014

Fancy Dress at Museums to make it more engaging for visitors....

So recently I went to a Museum recently and they are just not what I remember as a child. Exhibitions and museums are not exclusively for children or the younger generations but lets be honest they are ultimately the easiest way for younger people to learn and interact with History on a more engaging level.

My favorite museum as a child was "The Tales of Robin Hood" maybe more of an attraction than education center but we did learn from the place. One of the most notable things about this center that I remember is the tour guides. They were always in full Fancy Dress Costumes. Head to toe Robin Hood, complete with Swords, Hats, Boots the lot!

This made the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone and encouraged the children to speak to the tour guides and ask questions about everything - there dress, the time period. I cant understand that when I go to similar places now this idea has gone.

For an easy way to make you're educational experience an engaging, memorable and fun one grab some costumes! It will make such a difference in the hearsay about the place and get people talking about it!

Egyptian exhibit? Grab a Cleopatra costume.

Medieval themed? We have a Robin Hood Ladies costume that is suitable for the era and our favorite Brave Crusader Knight outfit for men which is great for those Guard guides!

Caveman or Prehistoric? Get a full costume from us with a tunic, head tie, wrist cuffs and leg warmers too, this Caveman costume is a favorite in general in our store as well.

Greek or Roman museum? We have a great Caesar costume and an even better Gladiator outfit that has really realistic features, we also have a Ladies Gladiator too.

Ill be going on Holiday tomorrow but be back soon with more Fancy Dress info for you all on the 22nd!
Might grab a Warrior Princess Costume myself as im off to see the Colleseums in Italy!


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